Tuesday, August 3, 2010

so sorry, been bad

It has been over a month since my last post, but to be fair it has been a busy month for me.
I had to go to a 18 day school that started with me getting up at 4 am every day including weekends!! I had a week off and now I am in a school to raise my scores in a military test. Its all about math which I really haven't done a whole lot of since Junior year of High School and that was in '96!! So my brain is hurting now. but at least it is starting to come back to me.

In the past month, BAM went to his first Tang So Do tournement here in Munich and in 4 events took first, second, and third. In the 4th one he had only done it once so I give him kudos for even trying!! We now have three trophies on out book shelf. I am very proud of him. TJ and DOC have been really helping out around the house with me being busy and my hubby has done wonders with keeping up with everything!! The house really has stayed clean and the kids are pretty clean as well. He does such a great job that sometimes I just amazed.

Well that's about it here, I am going to have a vacation soon, not doing anything but getting ready for kids school. All three will be in school this year and we can't wait!!