Monday, May 24, 2010

Dachau, A concerntration camp.

What a weekend. I spent Saturday with a friend and we went to Dachau, otherwise, a concentration camp. It was depressing and heartbreaking. I learned a lot more than I had learned in books. WWII and what the Nazi's did is one of my favorite things to learn about. I like to learn about it and make sure that it is not forgotten and in a few years teach it to my kids and teach them not to hate somebody based on looks, religion, or race. Brendan has asked a little about it and I have talked a little about it, but I feel he is a little too young to actually go and see the photographs.

It was weird to see the barracks where they stayed and the beds stacked three high where they slept. They are much smaller in person than I thought. The special exhibit going on right now was pregnant and having babies in camps. I had to walk away after reading some of the stories, and I won't go into detail here, but as a mom it breaks my heart what these cruel people did to women and their children. The main thing that got me was the crematorium.

They had to build a bigger one because the original one was being used beyond its capacity. I walked away with tears in my eyes. How can people be so cruel and how could the town that this is right in the middle of be so oblivious too? I walked away Saturday with a deeper understanding of what the Jewish people went through and sadness in my heart. I will try harder to make sure my kids understand what happened here and that they will not hate anybody and bully anybody just because they don't believe in the same beliefs.

Gas Chamber (where they thought their were taking a shower but were actually killed by gas)

Picture of what it looked like before all the barracks were torn down. Now thats all left is two. Dachau was built to hold 5,000-6,000 but at the time of liberation it was about 32,000!! If you are ever in Germany I would highly suggest gong and seeing one of the many camps. I am going to try to see Auschwitz next because I am into history and being so clase this is a once in a lifetime chance for me.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Classic movies and childhood memories!!

The past few weeks I have been reliving my favorite movies of my childhood. I have been sharing them with the kiddos and to my surprise they actually like some of them!!

It all started when I got from the library 5 Roger and Hammersteins musicals. We watched "Sound of Music" first. They watched the entire thing and loved it. They want to go with me to Salzburg, Austria where a lot of it was filmed. Hey its only 3 hours away and we may just go for a weekend. They like the songs and were singing them for a few days afterwards. It was great. Of course the next one to watch was "State Fair" and " Gone With the Wind" They didn't really get into those but GWTW is pretty long!! "Oklahoma" was next and they watched it and said it was ok. Brendan was like where is this at, is it a state? I told him yes and that we have family in the state of OK. Just tonight I watched "The Little Princess" with Shirley Temple. They liked it, but it just made me remember watching all of her movies at my dad's growing up. I would always watch her movies when I would visit him and it was so fun. My goal is to watch a bunch more classical movies with them, we will have to use netflix for most of them. I am trying for "Mary Poppins" next.

If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know. What is your favorite movie form your childhood? We have seen "Labyrinth" and " The Never Ending Story" as well. We have seen of few of the Muppet ones too!!

That's what we are doing on the rainy days and its been great to cuddle with the kiddos and watch some good classic movies!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Random Thursdays

Random thoughts Thursday:

I have been bad this past few weeks and I am sorry. I have been busy.
Life has gotten in the way of my new past time. I was busy getting ready for a promotion board, which i passed and hopefully soon someday I will get promoted. 
This week, DR has been complaining of an ear ache so I took him to the doctor and he has an ear infection but the doc saw a blister in his ear and wants us to come back in two weeks to see if its just the infection of something else. Its Spring clean up here and that means I have to make sure my yard is pretty. I am trying to win yard of the month again, I did it in VA. I found a German version of Lowe's, so I am hitting that store up this weekend!! I will post pictures when its all pretty, but I have flowers in pots and working on weeding and mulching around the bushes. I am turning a fire pit into a planter ( never use it) and thought I would make the front yard pretty too!!

Now that life has slowed down a bit, I will be better and just need to buy a card reader so I can upload pictures to my computer life would be so much better. I did find the time to watch a couple movies, I watched "Julie and Julia" What a great movie!! Now I am reading the book, which is even better. It makes me want to try French cooking!!

Oh by the way, a new video by Carrie Underwood is out!! I remember when she was on Idol and then I went and saw her in VA. She was so nice and sweet. She signed my hat, which I still have and I still use the key chain to this day!! I love her and admire her!!

Well enough ramblings today!! I am off to do something for somebody I am sure!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My first Award!!

Rantings of A Southern Girl gave me my very first blog award ever!! YAY!!

Thank you so much! It came with conditions, though:
Accept and thank the person who gave it to you! List 10 things about yourself List 5 additional things you DON'T like Then pick ten people to give this lovely award to!
1. I have been married for almost 10 years!!
2. I am the only female in a house full of boys
3. I am in the Army as a Medic, and I love it!!
4.  I love to read
5. I love to watch classic movies
6. I have to have a Lo-Carb Monster everyday!!
7. I love living overseas
8. I love to garden
9. I love country music but really love Carrie Underwood
10. I am the only child!!
1. I can't stop eating snickers candy bars
2. I need to save more money
3. I trust people to easy
4. I never get enough sleep
5. I worry my house is never clean enough

I will now pick ten fellow bloggers!!
Topsy Turvy Twins
Keeping up with the Windle's
Lacey in Love
the undomesticated army wife
fabulous army life

There you all go, have fun and spread the joy!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by href="">MckMama. You can head over to href="">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week, I did not post at all. I was lazy in this section of my life and life was busy. Not me, I did not let my kids stay up watching on eof the best movies of all time. "The Sound of Music" Did they love it? Heck yeah they did.  DR would get up and dance when they would sing!!. It was great. Did I really get mad that Saturday was German holiday? No, not me. I wanted to go buy some flowers for my yard to make it pretty. Did I get frustrated at work? No not me. Work has been stress full and I am trying to study for this promotion board and except for my co-worker, no one really wants to help. I hope I did good. I go in Thursday morning. ( So if I don't post until after then you know why).

It wasn't a bad week. Nothing majored happened. Torin has been asking me about Cub Scouts, did I sit around and wait, no NOT ME. I got in touch with leader and we are track to get him in to it. Thank goodness. He need an outlet for him to get away from his brothers.

Did I sign up for a field trip for work , two days before a big promotion board? No not me, I am all set to go to Flossenberg Concentration Camp. It should be sad yet I love history and can't wait to see m ore of them I hope one day I will make it to Auschwitz.

Well that's it for now. I am reading some good books and want to get back to them!!

P.S. I would love more followers. Maybe a giveaway after I hit 100!!