Monday, May 3, 2010

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by href="">MckMama. You can head over to href="">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week, I did not post at all. I was lazy in this section of my life and life was busy. Not me, I did not let my kids stay up watching on eof the best movies of all time. "The Sound of Music" Did they love it? Heck yeah they did.  DR would get up and dance when they would sing!!. It was great. Did I really get mad that Saturday was German holiday? No, not me. I wanted to go buy some flowers for my yard to make it pretty. Did I get frustrated at work? No not me. Work has been stress full and I am trying to study for this promotion board and except for my co-worker, no one really wants to help. I hope I did good. I go in Thursday morning. ( So if I don't post until after then you know why).

It wasn't a bad week. Nothing majored happened. Torin has been asking me about Cub Scouts, did I sit around and wait, no NOT ME. I got in touch with leader and we are track to get him in to it. Thank goodness. He need an outlet for him to get away from his brothers.

Did I sign up for a field trip for work , two days before a big promotion board? No not me, I am all set to go to Flossenberg Concentration Camp. It should be sad yet I love history and can't wait to see m ore of them I hope one day I will make it to Auschwitz.

Well that's it for now. I am reading some good books and want to get back to them!!

P.S. I would love more followers. Maybe a giveaway after I hit 100!!


Rebecca said...

Leaving some comment luv. I am a follower. Love the not me. Blogging is fun but so are books. Enjoy yourself and no worries. Sometimes we all need to chill out and take a break even if it means things happen last min! LOL Cheers and happy SITS Monday!

Pam said...

I am leaving you love too and while I am NOT jumping on the Not Me this week...look out for it in the next couple of Mondays! Miss you!!